Author: admin

Olivier, specialist about Digital and ecommerce in China. You can find my reviews in french and English about the ecommerce Market


We are the top and most visible Web & Marketing Agency for China you will find on the web. Our Services: E-Commerce, Search Engine Optimization, Advertising, Weibo, WeChat, WeChat Store & PR.

UK Retailers, none interest for Chinese customers ?

UK Retailers, none interest for Chinese customers ?

The UK e-commerce is missing some opportunities in China The United Kingdom is one of the leading countries in the Western World. The international selling represents 71% for the biggest online retailers such as Amazon, Tesco or Ebay. The most popular online products are fashion and sporting goods followed by travel and household items. Also,…

Wechat the must have for your e-commerce in China

Wechat the must have for your e-commerce in China

WeChat offers amazing opportunities for e-commerce in China With a turnover of over 13,4 trillions of yuan in 2014, a growth of 31,4% and over 649 million cybernauts, the e-commerce market in China has already overtaken the American market and the opportunities are infinite. Cultural, organizational and strategic differences, China has developed its own manners, far from…

Meet the cross-border e-commerce platform Ymatou

Meet the cross-border e-commerce platform Ymatou

China is famous for its diversified e-commerce arena: the range of websites available to consumers for online purchase is extensive. In order to satisfy and to adapt to today’s 630 million Internet users, the online offer has slowly changed.  According to ATKearney, the Chinese e-commerce market in 2013 was dominated by the C2C industry (mainly…

Unilever enters China e-commerce market: Signs Pact with Alibaba

  Electronic commerce is trading in products or services using computer networks, such as the Internet. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as commerce, electronic supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange, inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems.   Marketing in China It helps the retailers for marketing to prospect and establish customers by e-mail or tax. It is Also…

50% of Chinese people are willing to buy groceries online

50% of Chinese people are willing to buy groceries online

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.76″ background_layout=”light” border_style=”solid”] Nearly 50% of (46%) of Chinese explain that they are already to order groceries online for home delivery (compared to 25% in the world) more than 52%  are willing to purchase online in the future. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_code admin_label=”CTA – Article” _builder_version=”3.0.62″ custom_css_main_element=”border: 1px solid #e6edf3;||padding: 22px 30px 32px;||margin: 30px 0;||position:…

Walmart buys out Yihaodian : A new e-commerce giant is born?

Walmart buys out Yihaodian : A new e-commerce giant is born?

After 4 years of existence Walmart has finally bought out 1haodian as part of an aggressive  strategy to further its development in the e-commerce sphere. Earlier this month, it has been revealed that the two founders, Gang and Jun Ling have announced their desire to leave Yihaodian, effectively handing over their e-commerce platform to Walmart. Neil…

Most creative Lamps found in the Chinese e-Commerce

Most creative Lamps found in the Chinese e-Commerce

Today I will show you the most creative Lamps that I have found in the Chinese e-commerce plateforms. found on Taobao Sales of e-commerce in China reached 12.3 trillion yuan in 2014, up 21.3% from 2013, according to data compiled by iResearch. Overall data show that online shopping has increased by 48.7% in 2014, and…

10 tips if you want to open your online grocery store in China

10 tips if you want to open your online grocery store in China

Shoppers are turning their backs on the supermarkets and now they are purchasing food products via internet. The popularity of online grocery shopping is rapidly increasing. Rise of the disposable income, growth of the middle class, higher internet penetration rate, increased desire for a better lifestyle have led Chinese consumers to increasingly choose e-commerce over traditional retail…

Will the 12.12 be another 11.11 huge e-commerce success in China ?

Will the 12.12 be another 11.11 huge e-commerce success in China ?

12.12 or “double 12” is Taobao’s second shopping festival in China. On December 12, Taobao (the largest online marketplace in China with over 7 million vendors and around 800 million products), has launched its second shopping festival called 12.12 or double 12. China’s e-commerce market is still increasing due to the growing number of internet…

The French Cellar invest million in the Chinese Market

The French Cellar invest million in the Chinese Market

The FrenchCellar startup in Asia selling Wine subscription to Asian consumers will secure millions yuans to the Chinese Market.  Investment in China ESW Manage Ltd, a private equity firm focused on investment opportunities in Asia, last week announced it’s 7-figure investment into Asia’s pioneering wine subscription e-commerce platform, ‘The French Cellar‘ ( It acquired a 20% stake in the new…