Case Studies


We are the top and most visible Web & Marketing Agency for China you will find on the web. Our Services: E-Commerce, Search Engine Optimization, Advertising, Weibo, WeChat, WeChat Store & PR.

Chinese social media
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Dior the First Luxury Brand to Sell on WeChat

Wechat has exceeded the race and stands ahead among the top Chinese e-commerce marketing forums in a very short time. What was launched 5 years back as a private messaging application for Smartphone users, has not become an important business platform. China with its increasingly expanding market is attracting more and more new brands from all…

Launch of the Canadian Tmall Store

Launch of the Canadian Tmall Store

JUSTIN TRUDEAU & JACK MA LAUNCH CANADIAN PAVILION ON TMALL GLOBAL Alibaba Group Executive Chairman Jack Ma and Canada prime minister Justin Trudeau launched a first and new Canadian pavilion on Tmall. This e-commerce crossborder channel will enable Chinese consumers to purchase 100 products and 30 leading brands such as Lululemon (yoga wears maker), Clearwater…

Walmart Global Shop competes with Amazon and Alibaba in China

Walmart Global Shop competes with Amazon and Alibaba in China

Walmart competes Amazon and Alibaba in China with its new Walmart Global Shop Walmart has just launched its new e-commerce service that will be offering ‘quality’ foreign products for Chinese consumers. The ‘Walmart Global Shop’ service launches its mobile application, with stores in southern China, which will also store products while providing self-service pickup system….

Unilever enters China e-commerce market: Signs Pact with Alibaba

  Electronic commerce is trading in products or services using computer networks, such as the Internet. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as commerce, electronic supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange, inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems.   Marketing in China It helps the retailers for marketing to prospect and establish customers by e-mail or tax. It is Also…

Walmart buys out Yihaodian : A new e-commerce giant is born?

Walmart buys out Yihaodian : A new e-commerce giant is born?

After 4 years of existence Walmart has finally bought out 1haodian as part of an aggressive  strategy to further its development in the e-commerce sphere. Earlier this month, it has been revealed that the two founders, Gang and Jun Ling have announced their desire to leave Yihaodian, effectively handing over their e-commerce platform to Walmart. Neil…

The French Cellar invest million in the Chinese Market

The French Cellar invest million in the Chinese Market

The FrenchCellar startup in Asia selling Wine subscription to Asian consumers will secure millions yuans to the Chinese Market.  Investment in China ESW Manage Ltd, a private equity firm focused on investment opportunities in Asia, last week announced it’s 7-figure investment into Asia’s pioneering wine subscription e-commerce platform, ‘The French Cellar‘ ( It acquired a 20% stake in the new…

How Yihaodian has become very successful in e-commerce in China?

How Yihaodian has become very successful in e-commerce in China?

China’s retail market saw its digital revolution. New players emerge and take a significant share of B2C . Yihaodian is part of this new generation of online sales site .  Strategy worth considering. Here is a company created in July 2008 and five and a half years after its creation, became the third on-line distributor…