Advertising on an e-commerce platform, it’s the key to be visible by your target and generating traffic on your e-commerce page. But, it can be very hard to do that by yourself. Especially on some e-commerce platforms as Tmall. This article is here to help you to understand better how to advertise on Tmall. It will be a gain of time for you.
What is Tmall?
First of all, I need to introduce a bit of Tmall. Tmall is one of the giants of E-commerce in China. Tmall created by Jack Ma and of course one of the Alibaba platforms. Tmall is seen as the 5th avenue of Manhattan in China. The website only sale quality and prestigious brands. Tmall also provides foreign products to its users.
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We are an Official Tmall Partner e-commerce Agency. Our Services: E-Commerce, Search Engine Optimization, Advertising, Weibo, WeChat, WeChat Store & PR.
It’s a famous e-commerce platform in China because the platform has a very good reputation and a strong image. The Tmall services are only available for high-level brands that’s why Chinese people trust Tmall. They know that if they buy on Tmall they can be sure of their purchase. And trust, in China is one of the most important criteria. Tmall provides its services to an average of 70000 brands spread in 50000 online shops.
Tmall is really good for foreign companies because you don’t need to have a physical presence in China to sell via the platform. For you, it’s an important advantage because the administration process to build your company in China discourages a lot of brands.
But, selling on Tmall, can be not easy. Tmall only accepted brands that have already a significant presence and realized high sales in China. That’s why a lot of companies are rejected by the platform which wants to keep a high standard.
Let me drill a bit your pink cloud because this is now that things become a bit more complicated. Advertise on Tmall is not easy. The platform offers its own marketing service. Of course, it’s not free and it can be expensive.
Read more: What are Chinese Native Ads?
Tmall offers to its customers some digital marketing and advertising solutions but it’s not always as creative as you want. The only other solution: work with a marketing agency partner of Tmall. The agency needs to be certified by Tmall to help the brand in its marketing strategy.
Usually, you choose your advertising channels based on a return on investment model regarding your criteria, your target, and your products.
If I can give you an advice, I think it’s good to dedicate 15% of targeted revenues in the first year of the opening of your Tmall store. For the second year, you can reduce it to 10%.
Some figures on an indicative basis:
- 000 US $- security deposit
- 000 US $ to 10.000 US $ / each year – technical fees
- 0,5% – 5% – commission costs
You also can use a less expensive method based on your brand awareness and SEO optimization. If you don’t know how to manage your SEO is better to work with experts. They can help you to develop your SEO strategy.
Finally, you need to negotiate with Tmall your advertisement strategy. The flexibility of Tmall will depend on your awareness, your brand size, and your sales level. Because Tmall is able to do free ads and promotion deals.
It can also depend on the relationship between Tmall and the partner agency. Tmall takes the pooled media budgets that the partner agency generates and spends for their clients on the platform in the account to see if they can do a “present” to the customer of the partner agency.
You had probably understood, Tmall is an effective e-commerce platform but it’s not easy to become a Tmall family member. You necessarily need to work with a marketing agency. It’s better because they understand the complexity of the Chinese market and they will help you to bend the obstacles and finally you will save money and time. In a country where everything goes fast, you need to be effective.
We are a specialist e-commerce agency based in Shanghai. We understand e-commerce and the real methods for success in this lucrative market.
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