Wechat Marketing & eCommerce


We are the top and most visible Web & Marketing Agency for China you will find on the web. Our Services: E-Commerce, Search Engine Optimization, Advertising, Weibo, WeChat, WeChat Store & PR.

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WeChat Store: How to Sell on Wechat as a Foreign Company?

WeChat Store: How to Sell on Wechat as a Foreign Company?

WeChat is a messaging app with the biggest amount of active daily users on the Chinese market. Apart from using it as a way of communication with friends and family, it is used by Chinese customers to follow and interact with their favorite brands and that is why thousands of companies now sell on WeChat….

WeChat CRM: Why You Need One and Best Practices

WeChat CRM: Why You Need One and Best Practices

Brands should not be caught off guard by WeChat’s changing user habits. With more users becoming selective about what they read and view, it is crucial for brands to have a solid CRM strategy in order not only to understand their customer base but also to keep them engaged with constant content updates via newsletters…

Step by Step Guide to Wechat Mini-Program Development

Step by Step Guide to Wechat Mini-Program Development

Almost everyone in China is using WeChat, the most popular social media app. What many people don’t know is that you can create your own mini-programs on WeChat to help promote your business or simply entertain users. In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to develop WeChat mini-programs. Let’s get started! So, What…

Insightful Guide to Kickstart your WeChat Marketing Strategy

Insightful Guide to Kickstart your WeChat Marketing Strategy

If you are a marketer, brand, or company and haven’t started your WeChat marketing strategy yet, this guide will provide some insight into how to get started. It goes without saying that the Chinese social media app has an enormous user base of over 1 billion monthly active users. This is why brands should be…

How to Optimize your Conversion Rate and Visibility on WeChat Mini-program

How to Optimize your Conversion Rate and Visibility on WeChat Mini-program

Nowadays in China, WeChat has become the leading role in Chinese social media. No matter personal or professional affairs, Chinese people use WeChat and it is an indispensable communication tool in China. It plays an important role in Chinese modern lives. Indeed, it is an instant message app in the beginning, but now it has…

WeChat Marketing Tips for Companies

WeChat Marketing Tips for Companies

WeChat is the most used social network in China. This Mobile application has millions of active users in China and greatly covers the space of WhatsApp and Facebook. In China, those Western social networks are blocked by the Chinese Great Firewall. WeChat is used for voice messaging, audio messaging, sharing documents, and pictures, creating financial…

How to Register a WeChat Official Account in 2021?

How to Register a WeChat Official Account in 2021?

China is a country with 1.3 billion inhabitants. But these people have no access to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. So while doing your business, for promotion, advertising, sales you need to get their attention in another way. This clearly means WeChat. Not only Chinese netizens have taken over the app and used it as a…

Create a WeChat Official Account for your business in China

Create a WeChat Official Account for your business in China

Wechat is the most used communication and social media app in China. It is like, if someone has a smartphone in China, then he has a Wechat account. Wechat allows users to do almost everything: to share daily life, to follow information and trends, to pay a bill, to buy a train ticket, to order…

How to optimize your Wechat to Boost your visibility ?

How to optimize your Wechat to Boost your visibility ?

WeChat is the flagship application of the moment, the Chinese population can witness it since 90% of the population that uses the application is Chinese. We must not neglect the rest of the world that uses it. Everything but really everything can be done on WeChat, that’s why the Chinese are in love! You can…

Why you should use Wechat for your business?

Why you should use Wechat for your business?

You may certainly have heard about WeChat, the most used communication app in China (WeChat get recently 1.01 billion of followers). Both Chinese and foreigner love that. WeChat was at the beginning used only for communication but over the years, WeChat has developed several features and services which let it become an avoidable app for…

Wechat : the New Luxury Digital Trend in China

Wechat : the New Luxury Digital Trend in China

You are numerous to think that Wechat is only a social media app. And worst, you are numerous to think that Wechat is only for small and medium brand. Sorry to disappoint you but, that’s wrong. More and more premium and luxury brands use Wechat for their e-reputation. It’s a easy and effective tools to…