The UK e-commerce is missing some opportunities in China
The United Kingdom is one of the leading countries in the Western World. The international selling represents 71% for the biggest online retailers such as Amazon, Tesco or Ebay. The most popular online products are fashion and sporting goods followed by travel and household items. Also, there are movies and books or magazines.
Meanwhile, China e-commerce market is expanding especially thanks to the mobile way which allow to browse and purchase easily online. Then, Chinese customers are very attractive by this trends with promotion and low prices offers.
Unfortunately, the UK retailers don’t take care of the opportunities China market offers. Indeed, only 55% of those one capitalise on burgeoning in China’s e-commerce market.
Here are 5 advice to progress on e-commerce market:
Propose many offers
Even if some of UK retailers allow the product shipping to China, the offers are not enough to please the Chinese customers. Indeed, they have to adapt their e-commerce methods in China with more facilities to use their website.
Various languages
A bit of UK online retailers are interesting in the China online market and is testing the shopping experience in China to see the buying attitude of Chinese people. Nevertheless, on the most of this UK e-market, only 10% get the Chinese language option.
To be effective on e-marketing China, retailers website have to get around 6 various languages including the mandarin language. Indeed, Chinese customers use more and more their smartphone to purchase online and they are sensitive to the quality of products but the quality of browsing too. Then, Chinese online shoppers represent 332 people in China. That is a huge opportunity for all online retailers.
Different currencies
The online e-market has to propose a different type of currencies. Actually, the UK is among the 5 most popular online cross-border shopping destinations for Chinese customers. But, as many Western countries, UK doesn’t propose the right payment system while Chinese people prefer more and more the online payment especially thanks to their local online retailers such as Alibaba’s Alipay or Tencent’s Tenpay. As a consequence, UK online retailers have to propose China Yuan money and more local payment methods on their website for Chinese customers.
Many options
Among retailers which allow the Chinese payment methods, they propose only one option (UnionPay, or Alipay etc…). That removes many Chinese customers who use the other payment methods. Consequently, biggest UK retailers lose customers who could become very loyal clients.
Providing for surtaxes or charges
When Chinese people purchase on websites, they can be surprised by an amount higher than originally. Indeed, the most of the retailers don’t take care of the charges or surtaxes when they propose prices. The retailers must prevent customers to this costs when they are paying for their products. That generates a trusting atmosphere between company and customers.
To sum up , UK online retailers are losing some of the loyal customers. Then, customers and especially Chinese shoppers, research more and more quality when they are browsing on a website. Obviously, they need a quality of products who they buy, but the quality of service too. So that take the opportunity of e-commerce, UK retails should pay attention to the Chinese customers need, shipping and returning their products easily, proposing them local payment, local currencies and payment methods.
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