

We are the top and most visible Web & Marketing Agency for China you will find on the web. Our Services: E-Commerce, Search Engine Optimization, Advertising, Weibo, WeChat, WeChat Store & PR.

Top 15 tips for e-retailers in China (2024)

Top 15 tips for e-retailers in China (2024)

To successfully navigate the e-retail landscape in China for 2024, Brands must adapt to rapidly evolving Chinese consumer behaviors, technological advancements, and regulatory changes. Implement Cross-Border E-Commerce Strategies in China Explanation: As Chinese consumers seek international brands and products, setting up a cross-border e-commerce strategy can tap into this growing demand. This involves understanding import…

How marketing agencies will optimize your e-commerce in China

How marketing agencies will optimize your e-commerce in China

If you want to develop yourself in this Chinese E-Commerce you have 2 options :  You recruit and train a team to do this job  You recruit an agency to help you And how agencies will optimize your e-commerce in China ?  A reliable marketing agency will help your e-commerce business to both grow faster…

Moncler focus on China

Moncler focus on China

Moncler focus on China in 2024, with expansion and strategic focus on the biggest luxury market in the world. Moncler, the Italian luxury fashion brand known for its high-end down jackets and sportswear, has made significant strides in the Chinese market. Moncler’s strategic approach to conquering the Chinese luxury market, Moncler’s strategic approach to conquering…

How Tmall can help International Brands reach Chinese customers?

How Tmall can help International Brands reach Chinese customers?

As of 2024, Tmall is a leading Chinese online eCom platform, renowned for hosting a wide array of local and international brands, and offering premium shopping experiences. It is the Amazon of China Here are 10 facts about Tmall: Owned by Alibaba Group: Tmall is a subsidiary of Alibaba Group, one of the largest e-commerce…

What do Chinese consumers love buy from U.S.A.?
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What do Chinese consumers love buy from U.S.A.?

In 2024, Chinese consumers show a strong preference for purchasing a variety of products from the USA, including electronics, fashion items, cosmetics, healthcare products, maternity essentials, automobiles, and sports equipment. The List of popular Made in USA products in China [et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.76″ background_layout=”light” border_style=”solid”] The popularity of e-commerce has quickly increased in China…

How Social media in China can support your e-commerce sales?

How Social media in China can support your e-commerce sales?

in 2024, integrating social media strategies is necessary in order to become successful in the e-commerce business in China. Social media is the key to success for e-commerce in China. In China, the power of social media platforms has rapidly increased and now, is part of Chinese daily life. But its influence has also extended to…

How to increase the traffic to your Tmall store

How to increase the traffic to your Tmall store

Tmall has become the place to be for those companies which want to increase their online sales in China. There is almost no free traffic on tmall, for 95% of brands…. and prices of ads double, making ROI almost impossible to reach . To increase traffic in the highly competitive Chinese digital marketplace, businesses need…

How Should Apparel Brands Approach Chinese E-Commerce?

How Should Apparel Brands Approach Chinese E-Commerce?

Imagine stepping into the world’s leading stage of online fashion, where the Chinese Apparel Market reigns over 70% of Chinese individuals already embracing online clothing purchases. The question that beckons: How can global fashion brands elegantly weave their E-Commerce narrative into China’s vibrant fabric? What an intriguing puzzle to solve, for it’s a journey not…

What Are The Top Categories On Tmall in China?

What Are The Top Categories On Tmall in China?

If you want to sell your products in the Chinese marketplace, Tmall is a platform worth exploring. As one of China’s leading e-commerce platforms, it offers a broad range of categories for consumers to browse and buy from. From clothing and fashion accessories to household appliances and personal care products, there are many options for…